Friday, September 7, 2012

New Things!

"Curious-er and Curious-er"

As part of my...face physical therapy, besides smiling, I've been trying to force myself, bit by bit into doing the activities that make me tired, to force those muscles in my face to work. I'm getting there!

I've only managed to finish one piece so far, but it's a start. And it's strange. It is "Curious-er and Curious-er," an acrylic and aerosol piece kind of inspired by the Mars rover Curiosity. Because what else would a giant space robot-car see on Mars but a green rabbit looking back at it!

"Untitled" Help me name it!
I also have, to present, this little piece. I'm not entirely settled on a name yet, but it's basically an image I saw while I was knocked out during my sinus surgery. A lady was hanging up strange things, like play-dough, silverware and jacks, from little white strings, while a bright glow came from behind. ...Aaaand it manifested like this. The BF immediately declared that I'm never allowed to do drugs. This one I actually managed to finish before the Ramsay-Hunt ordeal began.

And one last little goodie: The Five Year Mission posted their latest music video today! It's from their second album, "Year 2" and is of the song "Arena."  In the original episode, Captain Kirk is pitted against an alien called a Gorn (that basically looks like a big dinosaur-man) and a fight ensues. That explains the lyrics of the song. In the video, the Gorn is getting beat up by life, instead of a member of Starfleet, and is just having a generally crummy day, until he stumbles upon the Five Year Mission practicing.

I'm proud to say, I shot the video (edited by band member Mike Rittenhouse), and the Gorn's house is actually my house, and the dog is my wonderful 'painting assistant' Remy Hernandez. We think it's awesome and hope you do too.

So now we prep for First Friday; come down and see my newest paintings (for sale but not labeled yet--in fact, help me name the dream painting!) and then we gather our energies (and by we, I mean Remy and I) for Art Squared: The Fountain Square Art Fair! Remy and I will be at our usual location outside the Hero House comic shop and then Remy will be marching in the Art Parade at 5pm! She test drove her parade costume at the Kewanee Hog Days WJRE Pet Show, and got the Judge's Award! (kind of a best-of-show). Rock on, Remy!

Oh yeah, and for OCTOBER'S First Friday, I'll have all my most recent work in greeting card and post card form--all up-to-date and ready for the holidays! (I know, I know, too early, but hey, when you're making them by hand, you have to get a head start!)