Friday, March 11, 2011

Why I Bought A Better Homes and Gardens

OK I don’t usually do this. I swear. Well, I have been known to read a Good Housekeeping, but believe me, I’m better at reading it than keeping house. This issue caught my eye. I’m pretty sure it was the brightly painted furniture on the cover. That was it.

You have until April to pick this one up, it’s a seasonal issue. It’s AWESOME. And when you’re done reading it, you’ll want to paint everything in sight.
Some highlights:

The Hand –Painted Lamp!
It has been a long time since I’ve seen such simple, yet wonderful things done with a paint marker. Not since I took an orange paint marker to our security guard’s mug at work and changed the “Indystyle” to “Andystyle” (his name—he appreciated it!). I wanna try!

The Lace Pillow!
This one reminded me of my art buddy, Debra. She does marvelous things with lace doilies and aerosols, so I challenge her! Bring on the lace-sprayed pillows!

The 8-Bit Painted Lamp! Robot Napkins! Tetris Curtains!
Part of the nerd collection, these are all done with fabric paint (and, in the case of the robot, resist made of Elmer’s glue). I think, should I ever have a formal dining room, the table will be made up with robot napkins. I mean, how could I not? Now, if robots are not your taste, these you could pretty much plug in whatever design you want. Me? I’m kind of partial to nifty robots.


These people spray-painted their door! With yellow farm paint! Really, it says right there on the can! (And verified by a farmer friend as John Deere Yellow). The rug, that was sprayed!

Then, inside, the walls were sprayed, although I’m skeptical of that technique. It looks more expensive than regular rolled on paint, you run the risk of crazy drips and uneven coverage. You could probably get the paint tinted to whatever you wanted and just rolled it on for less than the cost of so many cans.
Now, the spray paint zinnia on the rug, I think I’m going to try that this summer on my front porch grass rug. In yellow. It will be pretty.

DISCLAIMER: TO BG&H: Hey! Don't get mad that I took pics of your magazine and put them on the interwebs. It's free pub for you guys and I just encouraged all of my closest and interest internet buddies to go buy it, so there. A free teaser, just for you!

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