Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What I Learned Today

Ok Grrrr.

Spray paint can be frustrating. That is what I learned today.
I like other kinds of paints, like acrylic, because if you mess up, hey just paint over it. Spray paint you get one pass.

I reworked "Angry Flower Girl" by making a stencil for the black to sharpen it up. I actually kind of like that one. Not sure if it's up there very high, as happy as I am with the "Radish" but hey. You gotta know when to stop messing with it.

I made two more canvas versions of the swirly food. One, a tomato, came out freaking awesome. I'm so happy with it, I can't wait to share pictures. Like, I was so happy with it, I did a little happy dance. Yes, yes, I like this one.
But...I made one more. A pineapple. I have a thing for pineapples, their shape intrigues me. I have a bunch of little pineapples all around my house, mostly concentrated in my kitchen. They're just cool. So, of course, I had to make a swirly spray paint pineapple. It had all the promise of the tomato. I had used some spray adhesive to hold down the tomato stencil's little pointy bits. Worked great. Did the same for the pineapple and it tore up some of the (very dry) background colors/layers! Not fair! Then I tried to fix it. Yeahhh. I should have quit when I was ahead. I started to, in a moment of stupidity, lay the stencil down so I could try to respray it (or something like that). Rule #1 for spray paint: ONE SHOT AT IT...Don't screw it up! Rule #2 for spray paint: Attempting to violate Rule #1 will cause you to SCREW IT UP!

Some of the really cool black came off the pineapple. *sigh* I am sad. This is so not cool. In the morning, I will try to fix it. But for now! Now, I go to sleep and let the thing dry overnight. I can't possibly screw it up while I'm sleeping. That's what I get for trying to get it finished quickly so that I could sleep with the satisfaction of having that idea checked off my mental list. Rule #3 for spray paint: Don't rush for no good reason. You WILL screw up.

Let's review:
Rule #1 for spray paint: ONE SHOT AT IT...Don't screw it up!
Rule #2 for spray paint: Attempting to violate Rule #1 will cause you to SCREW IT UP!
Rule #3 for spray paint: Don't rush for no good reason. You WILL screw up.

On that note, I will sleep off this weird bipolar-esque art feeling of on the one hand, accomplishing something, and on the other hand, SCREWING UP.

But hey, I could always just hang the pineapple in my kitchen.

PS: Pics will follow on my "weekend" (Thursday or Friday), as my camera takes way to long to cooperate. It is a ridiculously concentrated effort and I'm putting the evil lil device on notice that it shall be replaced! Some day.

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